Tuesday, 29 April 2014

Needless Needs

Do you really need all the many things that you strive to consume or possess?
How much of your time resources and energy do you spend satisfying needs that you don’t really need?
Remember, just because everyone else has particular things, does not mean you need it too.

Much of what you think you need, you may not need at all. Challenge your assumptions, and free yourself of needless needs.
When you find yourself feeling that you need something, stop, step back and ask yourself if you really do. The more of those needless needs you can leave behind, the faster ahead you will go.

The needs you’ve devised for yourself can be very comfortable. And yet their comfort keeps you confined in a narrow, limited corner of life.
Certainly there are very real necessities and obligations in your life. But there’s nothing to be gained by piling your own invented needs on top of them.

Look for opportunities to get away from your needs and into your possibilities.
Choose to break free of the needs that you don’t really need. Choose to let go of the cravings, obsessions, habits, worries and anxieties that do nothing but hold you back.

Life might in fact be much better if you made the choice to do without some of the things you think you can’t do without. Letting go of self-imposed burdens can open many doors to new experiences and joys.

Imagine the sense of freedom that would come from simply letting go of the most useless of those needs.
Practice focusing your effort and attention not on what you must get, but rather on the best you can be. Real abundance comes more from quality than from quantity.

Spend less time striving to acquire, possess and satisfy every perceived need, and you’ll have much more time and energy to truly live. The less you need, the more real richness your life will have.

Live by choice, not merely by habit. Let go of the needless needs, and feel the exquisite, empowering freedom.
Live more by intention, and less by reaction. Put your time and effort into those things that create real fulfillment for your life, rather than into needless needs.
Choose your own priorities, based on what’s most important to you. Let go of the need to need so much, and free yourself to live life at its authentic best.

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