Tuesday, 18 February 2014

Mistakes Women Make (Part 2)

Moving In Together 

 Most women feel the closer and more time they spend around a man, the surer they are about protecting and securing the man to themselves. 
So they move in together with a man when they are yet to be married. 
 They literally become their mother and wife by virtually babysitting, nursing, making their meals, laundering their fabrics and giving them full ownership of their bodies. 
They give their men little or no reason to officially settle down with them because, they're already taking up responsibilities they should leave till marriage. 

 Not that women shouldn't take care of their men's domestic needs, but when it's excessive, when it becomes a live-in thing, it's not so good for the woman. 
Moving in together before marriage was, is and will always be a mistake. 
A lot of times the simple act of moving in together before marriage is what causes breakups in relationships that should have stayed strong. 

 When you move in together with a man you are yet to be married to, you cause what I call "see finish." 
 Your value begins to drop at an alarming rate because, he knows all that you're about.
 No one is perfect, but living together before marriage reveals, polish, and magnify imperfections that don't really matter and can be ignored. 

 Men love adventures, challenges, it gives them joy to be with someone they are yet to completely know about or have a grip on. 
You loose this edge when you move in together with a man before marriage. 
So when he sees someone new and fresh, someone whose imperfections he knows nothing about, it gets him all excited that he may forget about his live-in partner easily. 

 That a couple who lived together before marriage made it to marriage, doesn't make living together before marriage, right. 
Stop comparing yourself with error and start setting good examples. 

Moving in together in a lot of cases nurtures abusive relationships/marriages. 
Even the women who lived together with their men before marriage, will not approve of their daughters to do same. 

 Everyone deserves to be single while they are. Sadly, some people are single but married.
 Everyone deserves space and time to think and sought out for themselves, what they really want to do with their life's and who they'd better spend the rest of their lives with. 
A lot of times, moving in together can influence two people's judgement about how they'd really want their life's to be, or who they'd really want to spend the rest of their life's with.

 So, it doesn't matter how long you've practiced or known someone who's practicing "living together before marriage" it's never too late to make a positive change. 
Yes, it's not going to be easy changing what two people have been used to, but then you must do the right thing.
 Bit by bit, just like you moved in, begin moving it. 
 Give yourself the respect and space you deserve. 
If he really wants you living with him, then it's time he does the honorable thing.

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