Tuesday, 1 April 2014


o improvise means to make something up on the spot, or figure it out as you go.
It means to react in the moment, in the face of unforeseen, unexpected outcomes, in favour of your goal.
It is to invent, compose, or perform with little or no preparation.
It means taking advantage of the available even if it is not the desirable.
It means no stopping, no quitting but keeping on, through any means necessary or unnecessary, but legal.
To be a good leader, you must learn to improvise.

In the pursuit of your goals, you'll be frequently faced with challenges you did not bargain, plan or budget for. Your ability to improvise is what will determine whether or not you'll get past the challenges.
Things will seldom turn out the way you plan or envision them to be, even the most accurate calculations can possibly fail. You must learn to improvise.

Improvising may not give you the comfort, satisfaction or luxury you need at the time, but one thing is sure, it will keep you going in the direction of your dream, till you can afford that luxury.
The things or people you improvise on may not be permanent, but at the time, they will make a difference for you.

Take for instance, you have an important meeting to attend and you are already ten minutes late because, your driver is stuck in traffic trying to get to you. What do you do?
Do you wait all day for your driver and by the time he arrives the meeting has ended, or do you get to the road and take a cab or what ever means of transportation that can move you from where you are to where you want to be?

How about acting a role in a drama or movie and you suddenly miss your lines?
Do you just stand there looking lost, unprofessional and unprepared, or do make up for your lost lines by using words closer or synonymous to your actual lines?

When the desired is not available, the available makes up for the desired. If you can only improvise.
Make do of a lizard in the absent of an alligator.

Improvising does not mean you have fallen below expectation. It does not mean you have settled for less.
It means you are smart enough to take positive charge of your life. It means rather than waiting, wondering, laying blames, regretting, yelling, you are willing and learned enough to do what ever it takes to achieve your goals, be it the occasional step down or inconveniences.

Improvising sharpens your creativity and enhances your problem solving ability.
It makes you see and grab opportunities where you would have otherwise failed.
It moves you from a position of wondering what happens next to a position where you are in charge of what happens next.
It makes you completely independent, where you would have been totally dependent.
It saves you from anxiety, worries, complains, depression, acrimony, inferiority complex, regrets, resentment, enmity, waste of time, energy and resources.
It will keep you positively charged, and focus in the direction of your dreams.

Do not wait till you get all you want, when and how you want them because, that maybe hard to come by and that may been you not making the progress you are most capable of.

The things and people you hope to work with are meant to make your work easier and maybe fun. That does not mean their absent or delays should tear, break or slow you down. Improvise!
A lot of times when you say "there is no way out" what you actually mean is "there is a less comfortable, more tedious or tasking way out." You must learn to take the hard way, so long as it moves you forward.

Never stand still and watch things go wrong. Step in and stand in the place of disappointment, lack, frustration, limitation. Improvise your way out and forward.

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